Everything You Need to Know About Employee On Record Service in the Philippines

Employee on Record


In the realm of human resources and business operations, maintaining accurate employee records is a vital aspect. The Philippines, known for its booming outsourcing industry and robust workforce, has its own set of regulations and procedures for managing employee records. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the details of Employee On Record (EOR) service in the Philippines, covering its significance, legal requirements, benefits, and best practices.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Employee On Record (EOR) Service

    • Definition and Scope
    • Importance of EOR Service
  2. Legal Framework for Employee Records in the Philippines

    • Labor Code and Compliance
    • Data Privacy Act and Confidentiality
  3. Benefits of Using Employee On Record Service

    • Compliance with Labor Regulations
    • Risk Mitigation
    • Focus on Core Business Functions
  4. Key Components of Employee Records

    • Personal Information
    • Employment Contracts
    • Compensation and Benefits
    • Leave and Attendance Records
    • Performance Reviews
  5. Process of Engaging an EOR Service Provider

    • Research and Selection
    • Contractual Agreements
    • Data Transfer and Security
  6. EOR vs. Traditional Employment: Understanding the Difference

    • Pros and Cons of EOR
    • Flexibility and Scalability
  7. Ensuring Data Privacy and Security

    • Data Protection Measures
    • Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations
  8. Best Practices for Effective Employee Record Management

    • Regular Auditing
    • Document Retention Policies
    • Keeping Up with Legal Changes
  9. Case Study: Successful Implementation of EOR Service in the Philippines

    • Company X: Streamlining HR Operations with EOR
  10. Future Trends in Employee On Record Services

    • Technological Advancements
    • Integration with HR Software
  11. FAQs About EOR Services in the Philippines

    • Is EOR suitable for small businesses?
    • Can EOR providers handle payroll as well?


Understanding Employee On Record (EOR) Service:

Definition and Scope: Employee On Record (EOR) service, also known as Employer of Record service, is a comprehensive human resources solution that involves outsourcing certain employment-related responsibilities to a third-party provider. In the context of the Philippines, EOR service allows businesses to offload the complexities of managing employee records, payroll, compliance, and other HR functions to a specialized agency.

The scope of EOR service extends beyond traditional outsourcing. It involves legally and administratively becoming the employer of the client company’s workforce. This means the EOR provider takes on the legal responsibilities and liabilities associated with employment, while the client company retains control over day-to-day tasks and job assignments. Essentially, the EOR service provider becomes the “employer of record” on paper, while the client company maintains operational control.

Importance of EOR Service: The significance of Employee On Record service is far-reaching, particularly in a dynamic business landscape like the Philippines. Here are some key reasons why businesses opt for EOR services:

  1. Compliance with Labor Regulations: Navigating the intricate landscape of labor laws, regulations, and compliance requirements can be daunting, especially in a country like the Philippines where labor regulations are complex and subject to change. EOR service providers specialize in staying up-to-date with the latest legal developments, ensuring that employee records, contracts, and benefits are in line with current labor laws. This compliance helps mitigate legal risks and potential penalties.

  2. Risk Mitigation: By transferring certain employment responsibilities to an EOR service provider, businesses can mitigate various risks associated with HR management. The provider assumes legal liability for matters such as terminations, severance pay, and employee disputes. This shields the client company from potential legal battles and financial setbacks.

  3. Focus on Core Business Functions: Outsourcing non-core functions such as HR administration enables businesses to channel their energy and resources into their core competencies. EOR service providers handle tasks like payroll processing, tax calculations, and benefits administration, allowing internal teams to concentrate on strategic initiatives and business growth.

  4. Speed and Flexibility: EOR services offer a quicker way to establish a workforce presence in a new market or expand into different regions. Instead of navigating local employment regulations and setting up legal entities, businesses can leverage the EOR provider’s infrastructure and expertise for rapid deployment.

  5. Access to Expertise: EOR service providers are well-versed in HR best practices, labor laws, and compliance standards. They bring a wealth of expertise to the table, ensuring that employee records are accurate, contracts are airtight, and benefits packages are competitive. This expertise supports smoother HR operations and enhances employee satisfaction.

  6. Cost Efficiency: Opting for EOR services can be cost-effective compared to establishing and maintaining an in-house HR department. The provider handles administrative tasks, reducing overhead costs and allowing the client company to pay only for the services utilized.

Legal Framework for Employee Records in the Philippines:

Managing employee records is a critical aspect of human resources management, and in the Philippines, it’s governed by a well-defined legal framework. The intersection of the Labor Code and the Data Privacy Act creates a comprehensive structure that ensures both the rights of employees and the responsibilities of employers are upheld. In this article, we’ll explore how these two components – the Labor Code and the Data Privacy Act – shape the management of employee records and ensure compliance.

Labor Code and Compliance: The Philippine Labor Code serves as the cornerstone of labor and employment relations in the country. It outlines the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both employees and employers. When it comes to employee records, several key provisions of the Labor Code come into play:

  1. Right to Inspect Records: Article 128 of the Labor Code grants employees the right to access and inspect their own employment records, which include personal information, compensation details, and other relevant documents. This provision aims to promote transparency and ensure that employees have a clear understanding of their employment history.

  2. Maintenance of Employment Records: Employers are required to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of their employees, including basic personal information, employment contracts, wage and salary records, attendance and leave records, and performance evaluations. These records must be kept for at least three years, as stipulated in Article 130 of the Labor Code.

  3. Confidentiality: While employees have the right to access their own records, employers are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of certain sensitive information. This includes medical records, financial information, and other personal data that could potentially harm the employee’s reputation if disclosed.

Data Privacy Act and Confidentiality: The Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173) complements the Labor Code by providing a comprehensive framework for the protection of personal data. This act aligns with international standards and best practices for data privacy and security. Here’s how the Data Privacy Act impacts the management of employee records:

  1. Consent: Under the Data Privacy Act, employers must obtain the informed consent of employees before collecting and processing their personal data. This consent should be clear, specific, and informed, ensuring that employees understand how their data will be used.

  2. Security Measures: Employers are required to implement appropriate security measures to safeguard employee records from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. This includes using encryption, access controls, and secure storage systems.

  3. Breach Notification: In the event of a data breach that compromises employee records, the Data Privacy Act mandates timely notification to the affected individuals and the National Privacy Commission. This notification helps affected parties take necessary precautions and emphasizes transparency in data handling.

  4. Cross-Border Data Transfer: If employee records are transferred outside the Philippines, employers must ensure that the data recipient provides an adequate level of data protection, as required by the Data Privacy Act.

Benefits of Using Employee On Record Service:

Compliance with Labor Regulations, Risk Mitigation, and Focus on Core Business Functions

In the ever-evolving landscape of business operations, organizations in the Philippines are constantly seeking innovative solutions to manage their human resources more efficiently. Employee On Record (EOR) service has emerged as a strategic approach that offers a plethora of benefits, ranging from compliance with labor regulations to risk mitigation and a sharper focus on core business functions. In this article, we’ll delve into these key advantages that EOR services bring to the table.

1. Compliance with Labor Regulations: Navigating the intricate maze of labor regulations in the Philippines is no small feat. From employment contracts to payroll processing, each aspect of human resources management is subject to strict legal guidelines. This is where EOR service providers shine. These experts are well-versed in the nuances of the Philippine Labor Code and the ever-changing labor landscape. By outsourcing employment-related responsibilities to EOR providers, businesses can ensure that their employee records, contracts, and policies are in line with the latest legal requirements. This not only reduces the risk of costly legal disputes and penalties but also promotes a culture of trust and transparency between employers and employees.

2. Risk Mitigation: Managing a workforce comes with a myriad of risks, from wrongful terminations to compliance violations. EOR services act as a shield against these risks by shouldering the legal liabilities associated with employment. When the EOR provider becomes the “employer of record” on paper, they assume responsibility for matters such as terminations, severance pay, and employee disputes. This not only provides peace of mind for businesses but also allows them to allocate their resources towards growth and innovation rather than potential legal battles. EOR services effectively transfer the burden of risk from the client company to the specialized provider.

3. Focus on Core Business Functions: For any business, time and resources are precious commodities. The administrative complexities of human resources management can often divert attention from core business functions. EOR services offer a remedy by taking over the administrative burden. By outsourcing tasks such as payroll processing, tax calculations, benefits administration, and regulatory compliance, businesses can redirect their energy towards strategic initiatives that drive growth. EOR services enable companies to concentrate on refining their products, expanding their market presence, and achieving their business goals without getting bogged down in HR intricacies.

Key Components of Employee Records:

Personal Information, Employment Contracts, Compensation and Benefits, Leave and Attendance Records, Performance Reviews

Managing employee records is a cornerstone of effective human resources management. In the Philippines, where labor regulations are detailed and dynamic, maintaining accurate and comprehensive employee records is not just a best practice but a legal requirement. These records encompass a range of crucial information that supports transparent employment relationships, fair compensation, and smooth operational processes. In this article, we’ll delve into the key components of employee records that every organization should meticulously maintain.

1. Personal Information: At the heart of every employee record lies personal information that provides a holistic view of the individual. This includes essential details such as the employee’s full name, contact information, date of birth, social security or tax identification number, and emergency contact details. Keeping this information up-to-date is not only essential for communication purposes but also ensures compliance with legal requirements for accurate records.

2. Employment Contracts: An employment contract serves as the foundation of the employer-employee relationship. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including job responsibilities, compensation, benefits, working hours, and termination conditions. Maintaining a well-documented copy of the signed employment contract is essential to avoid misunderstandings and disputes down the line. It provides clarity on the rights and responsibilities of both parties, fostering a transparent and professional relationship.

3. Compensation and Benefits: Employee compensation and benefits records are pivotal for ensuring fair remuneration and compliance with labor laws. These records encompass details of the employee’s salary, bonuses, allowances, and any additional benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or company-provided perks. Accurate and well-maintained compensation records contribute to a motivated workforce, improved employee retention, and compliance with legal requirements for providing fair wages and benefits.

4. Leave and Attendance Records: Leave and attendance records document an employee’s attendance patterns and the leave they’ve taken. This includes information about sick leave, vacation days, holidays, and other types of leave. Accurate tracking of leave and attendance helps ensure that employees are entitled to their rightful time off and that their work schedules align with business needs. These records are particularly important for payroll calculations and compliance with labor laws regarding rest periods and overtime.

5. Performance Reviews: Performance reviews provide insights into an employee’s growth, development, and contributions to the organization. They encompass details of performance evaluations, feedback, goals, achievements, and areas for improvement. Maintaining a record of performance reviews supports effective talent management, identifies high-performing individuals, and helps in making informed decisions about promotions, raises, and career development opportunities.

Process of Engaging an EOR Service Provider:

Research and Selection, Contractual Agreements, Data Transfer and Security

As the business landscape continues to evolve, organizations are constantly exploring innovative ways to streamline their operations, especially in the realm of human resources. Employee On Record (EOR) service providers have emerged as valuable partners in handling complex HR functions. Engaging an EOR service provider involves a well-defined process that encompasses research, contractual agreements, and ensuring data security. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key steps involved in partnering with an EOR service provider.

1. Research and Selection: Selecting the right EOR service provider is a critical step that requires thorough research and evaluation. Begin by identifying your organization’s specific HR needs and the scope of services you require from the provider. Consider factors such as the size of your workforce, geographic locations, and the complexity of local labor regulations.

Research potential EOR providers that have a strong track record in the Philippines, a deep understanding of local labor laws, and a reputation for compliance and professionalism. Look for providers with a history of successful client partnerships and positive reviews. Assess the provider’s capability to meet your specific needs, whether that’s managing payroll, benefits administration, compliance, or all of the above.

2. Contractual Agreements: Once you’ve narrowed down your options, the next step is to establish contractual agreements with the chosen EOR service provider. This involves negotiating terms, responsibilities, and expectations. Ensure that the contract clearly outlines the scope of services, the duration of the partnership, and the terms of termination.

Key points to include in the contract:

  • Services offered: Specify the HR functions that the provider will handle, such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance with labor regulations.
  • Performance metrics: Define measurable goals and expectations for the provider’s performance, ensuring alignment with your organization’s needs.
  • Data protection: Include clauses that outline how employee data will be handled, stored, and protected in compliance with data privacy laws.
  • Pricing and payment terms: Clearly state the cost structure, billing frequency, and any additional fees that may apply.

3. Data Transfer and Security: As you embark on this partnership, transferring employee data is a critical aspect that requires a careful approach. Begin by conducting a thorough audit of the employee records and data you intend to transfer to the EOR service provider. Ensure that all sensitive information is appropriately anonymized or encrypted to protect employee privacy.

Choose an EOR provider that places a strong emphasis on data security. Inquire about their data protection measures, cybersecurity protocols, and compliance with data privacy regulations. Establish clear guidelines for how data will be transferred, stored, and accessed by the provider. Regularly audit the provider’s security practices to ensure ongoing compliance with data protection standards.

EOR vs. Traditional Employment: Understanding the Difference

Pros and Cons of EOR, Flexibility and Scalability

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the way companies manage their workforce is undergoing a transformation. Traditional employment models are facing competition from innovative solutions like Employee On Record (EOR) services. This article aims to elucidate the distinctions between EOR and traditional employment, examining their pros and cons, with a focus on the flexibility and scalability that EOR services bring to the table.

Pros and Cons of EOR: Pros:

  1. Legal Compliance and Expertise: EOR providers specialize in navigating complex labor laws and regulations. This expertise ensures that businesses remain compliant, avoiding legal pitfalls and financial penalties.

  2. Risk Mitigation: EOR services transfer legal liabilities associated with employment to the service provider. This shields businesses from potential legal disputes, allowing them to focus on growth without the fear of unexpected legal battles.

  3. Operational Efficiency: EOR services handle administrative tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance. This frees up internal resources, enabling companies to direct their efforts towards core business functions.

  4. Speed and Expansion: EOR services facilitate swift market entry for businesses looking to expand into new regions. By leveraging the provider’s infrastructure, businesses can establish a workforce presence without the complexities of setting up legal entities.

  5. Access to Expertise: EOR providers bring a wealth of HR and compliance expertise to the table. This expertise ensures accurate record-keeping, fair treatment of employees, and adherence to labor laws.


  1. Loss of Direct Control: While operational control remains with the client company, certain aspects of direct control, such as HR policies, may be relinquished to the EOR service provider.

  2. Dependency on Provider: Businesses relying heavily on EOR services may find it challenging to transition back to traditional employment methods if needed.

Flexibility and Scalability: EOR services shine particularly when it comes to flexibility and scalability, offering significant advantages over traditional employment models.

  1. Flexibility: EOR services offer a level of flexibility that traditional employment models often struggle to match. As businesses evolve and adapt to changing markets, they can easily scale their workforce up or down without the constraints of hiring, firing, or restructuring.

  2. Market Expansion: EOR services are invaluable for businesses aiming to expand into new regions or markets. They provide a mechanism for rapid entry into new territories without the time-consuming processes of setting up legal entities and ensuring compliance.

  3. Project-Based Workforce: EOR services are ideal for project-based workforces or industries with seasonal fluctuations. Businesses can swiftly onboard and offboard workers as projects demand, all while maintaining compliance with labor laws.

  4. Cost-Effectiveness: The scalability offered by EOR services translates to cost-effectiveness. Businesses only pay for the services utilized, avoiding the overhead costs associated with maintaining a full-time in-house HR department.

Ensuring Data Privacy and Security:

Data Protection Measures, Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations

In the digital age, data has become the lifeblood of business operations, and protecting the privacy and security of sensitive information has never been more critical. This holds true, especially when it comes to managing employee records through services like Employee On Record (EOR). Ensuring data privacy and security is paramount to maintaining trust, compliance, and the overall well-being of both the organization and its employees. In this article, we delve into the importance of data protection and compliance with data privacy regulations within the realm of EOR.

Data Protection Measures:

  1. Encryption: Employ strong encryption methods to safeguard data both in transit and at rest. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures that even if data is intercepted, it remains unintelligible without the decryption key.

  2. Access Controls: Implement strict access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals can access employee records. Role-based access ensures that each user has access only to the data necessary for their responsibilities.

  3. Multi-Factor Authentication: Enforce multi-factor authentication for all users accessing the EOR system. This adds an additional layer of security beyond traditional password protection.

  4. Regular Auditing: Conduct regular audits of data access logs and activities. This helps identify any unusual or unauthorized activities and ensures that data is being handled as per established protocols.

  5. Secure Infrastructure: Utilize secure and up-to-date IT infrastructure to host and manage employee data. This includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular software updates.

Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations:

  1. Data Privacy Act: In the Philippines, the Data Privacy Act (Republic Act No. 10173) governs the protection of personal data. Organizations handling employee data through EOR must comply with the Act’s requirements, which include obtaining consent, providing data breach notifications, and implementing security measures.

  2. Consent: Ensure that employees provide informed and explicit consent for the collection and processing of their personal data. This should include clear information about how the data will be used, stored, and protected.

  3. Cross-Border Data Transfer: If employee data is transferred outside the Philippines, ensure compliance with the Data Privacy Act’s provisions regarding the transfer of personal data to foreign countries.

  4. Notification of Breaches: In the event of a data breach, promptly notify affected individuals and the National Privacy Commission. Timely breach notification allows affected parties to take necessary precautions and protects their rights.

  5. Data Protection Officer: Designate a Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible for ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations and managing data protection efforts within the organization.

Best Practices for Effective Employee Record Management:

Regular Auditing, Document Retention Policies, Keeping Up with Legal Changes

In the realm of human resources, maintaining accurate and organized employee records is not just a requirement but a strategic practice that supports legal compliance, efficient operations, and the overall success of an organization. To ensure seamless employee record management, businesses must adopt best practices that encompass regular auditing, document retention policies, and staying up-to-date with legal changes. In this article, we’ll explore these practices and their significance in detail.

1. Regular Auditing: Regular audits of employee records are essential to verify the accuracy, completeness, and security of the data. Auditing involves a systematic review of records to ensure they align with the information provided by employees and the organization’s policies. This practice helps identify discrepancies, errors, and inconsistencies, allowing corrections to be made promptly. Auditing also ensures compliance with legal requirements and supports the detection of unauthorized access or data breaches. By conducting audits on a scheduled basis, organizations can maintain the integrity of their employee records and ensure they are always up-to-date.

2. Document Retention Policies: Document retention policies define how long employee records should be kept and when they should be securely disposed of. These policies are crucial to comply with legal requirements while minimizing the risk of holding onto unnecessary data. Different types of records may have different retention periods; for instance, tax-related documents might need to be retained for a longer period than performance evaluations. Document retention policies ensure that records are stored efficiently and securely, reducing the chances of data breaches and streamlining record-keeping efforts.

3. Keeping Up with Legal Changes: Labor laws and regulations are subject to frequent changes and updates. Staying informed about these changes is essential to ensure that employee records remain compliant. Failure to adhere to legal changes can lead to legal consequences, penalties, and reputational damage. Organizations should establish a mechanism to stay informed about amendments to labor laws, data privacy regulations, and other relevant legal developments. This can involve subscribing to industry newsletters, participating in HR associations, and partnering with legal experts to ensure timely compliance.

4. Data Security Measures: Implement robust data security measures to protect employee records from unauthorized access and data breaches. This includes using encryption, firewalls, access controls, and regular security updates. Regularly train employees on data security best practices to ensure that they understand their role in safeguarding sensitive information.

5. Centralized Digital Platform: Use a centralized digital platform for storing and managing employee records. This ensures easy access, collaboration, and consistency in data management. A digital platform also supports data backup, disaster recovery, and controlled access.

6. Employee Consent and Privacy: Obtain explicit consent from employees before collecting and storing their personal data. Clearly communicate how the data will be used and ensure that privacy rights are respected throughout the record management process.

Case Study: Successful Implementation of EOR Service in the Philippines

Company X: Streamlining HR Operations with EOR

In a world where businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to optimize their operations, the journey of Company X stands as a testament to the transformative power of Employee On Record (EOR) services. Company X, an emerging technology firm, embarked on a path to streamline its HR operations by partnering with an EOR service provider in the Philippines. This case study sheds light on their experience, challenges, and the remarkable results achieved through the implementation of EOR services.

Background: Company X, a growing player in the tech industry, faced the challenge of expanding its operations into the Philippines while maintaining its global presence. Navigating the complexities of local labor regulations, compliance requirements, and administrative tasks posed a considerable challenge. They realized that a conventional approach to employment would not align with their agility-driven growth strategy.


  1. Compliance Concerns: Company X recognized the intricacies of Philippine labor laws and the potential risks of non-compliance. Ensuring accurate record-keeping, adhering to legal requirements, and managing data privacy were critical aspects that demanded meticulous attention.

  2. Operational Efficiency: As Company X expanded its workforce, they were keen on avoiding the operational burden of establishing an in-house HR department. Administrative tasks such as payroll, benefits management, and regulatory compliance were diverting resources from strategic initiatives.

Solution: Recognizing the need for a holistic HR solution, Company X engaged a reputable EOR service provider in the Philippines. The provider’s expertise in local labor laws, compliance, and data privacy addressed the challenges Company X was facing. Here’s how EOR services transformed their HR operations:

  1. Compliance Assurance: The EOR service provider meticulously ensured that Company X’s employment contracts, payroll processes, and benefits administration adhered to Philippine labor regulations. This not only reduced the risk of legal disputes but also fostered transparency in the employer-employee relationship.

  2. Efficiency Gains: By outsourcing administrative tasks to the EOR provider, Company X freed up internal resources to focus on strategic innovation and business growth. The provider’s established infrastructure streamlined processes, allowing Company X to scale its workforce without operational bottlenecks.

  3. Rapid Market Entry: Leveraging the EOR provider’s local expertise, Company X swiftly established its presence in the Philippines. This enabled them to seize market opportunities promptly and without the delays associated with setting up legal entities.

Results: The successful implementation of EOR services brought tangible benefits to Company X:

  1. Compliance and Risk Mitigation: Company X minimized the risk of legal disputes and penalties by maintaining compliance with labor laws and data privacy regulations.

  2. Resource Optimization: Freed from the burden of administrative tasks, Company X could channel its resources into innovation and expansion, enhancing overall productivity.

  3. Operational Agility: The EOR service provider’s infrastructure facilitated rapid market entry, allowing Company X to seize growth opportunities without delay.

Future Trends in Employee On Record Services:

Technological Advancements, Integration with HR Software

In an era of rapid technological evolution, the landscape of workforce management is undergoing transformative changes. Employee On Record (EOR) services, which have already demonstrated their value in simplifying HR operations, are poised to evolve further to meet the demands of the modern business world. This article explores the exciting future trends in EOR services, focusing on technological advancements and the integration of EOR services with cutting-edge HR software.

Technological Advancements:

  1. AI and Automation: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation technologies into EOR services is on the horizon. AI-powered algorithms can streamline tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance monitoring, reducing manual effort and enhancing accuracy.

  2. Predictive Analytics: EOR services are set to harness the power of data analytics to predict workforce trends, performance patterns, and turnover rates. This empowers businesses to make informed decisions and devise proactive HR strategies.

  3. Blockchain for Security: Blockchain technology is likely to play a role in enhancing the security and transparency of employee records. Blockchain’s inherent immutability and decentralized nature can offer unparalleled data protection and auditability.

  4. Remote Work Solutions: The rise of remote work has prompted EOR services to adapt to support distributed workforces. Advanced collaboration tools, communication platforms, and virtual onboarding solutions are expected to be integrated into EOR services.

Integration with HR Software:

  1. Unified HR Platforms: EOR services will increasingly integrate with comprehensive HR software suites, providing organizations with a unified platform to manage all aspects of workforce management, from employee records to performance reviews.

  2. Seamless Data Transfer: Integration between EOR services and HR software will enable seamless data transfer between platforms, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

  3. Real-time Analytics: Integration will facilitate real-time data analytics, allowing organizations to gain insights into workforce trends, employee engagement, and compliance metrics on the fly.

  4. Customization and Scalability: Integrated systems will offer customization options that cater to the specific needs of businesses while ensuring scalability as the organization grows.

FAQs About EOR Services in the Philippines:

Is EOR Suitable for Small Businesses? Can EOR Providers Handle Payroll as Well?

Employee On Record (EOR) services have gained significant traction as a valuable solution for modern businesses seeking efficient and compliant workforce management. As businesses explore the benefits of EOR services in the Philippines, common questions often arise. In this article, we address two frequently asked questions: Is EOR suitable for small businesses? Can EOR providers handle payroll as well?

Is EOR Suitable for Small Businesses?

Yes, EOR services are well-suited for small businesses in the Philippines. In fact, EOR services can be particularly beneficial for small businesses that may have limited resources to dedicate to managing HR operations and navigating complex labor regulations. EOR providers offer a comprehensive solution that includes compliance with labor laws, benefits administration, payroll processing, and more. By outsourcing these functions to an EOR provider, small businesses can focus on their core operations, growth initiatives, and strategic goals without being overwhelmed by administrative tasks. EOR services allow small businesses to tap into specialized expertise and scale their workforce as needed, all while ensuring compliance and efficient HR operations.

Can EOR Providers Handle Payroll as Well?

Yes, EOR providers can indeed handle payroll services as part of their comprehensive offerings. Payroll processing is a critical aspect of HR operations, and EOR providers are equipped to manage this task efficiently. EOR services involve becoming the “employer of record” on paper, which includes responsibilities such as payroll management, tax calculations, and benefits administration. EOR providers have the expertise and systems in place to ensure accurate and timely payroll processing, adhering to labor laws and regulatory requirements. This relieves businesses of the burden of payroll-related tasks, allowing them to focus on strategic activities while maintaining confidence in the accuracy and legality of their payroll processes.


As businesses in the Philippines explore the potential of Employee On Record (EOR) services, addressing common questions becomes essential. EOR services are suitable for small businesses, offering them a way to efficiently manage HR operations, ensure compliance, and focus on growth. Moreover, EOR providers are equipped to handle payroll services as part of their comprehensive offerings. By partnering with EOR providers, businesses of all sizes can streamline their HR functions, maintain compliance with labor regulations, and enjoy the benefits of efficient workforce management.

Are you a business owner with at least 10 staff from the Philippines? If you want to know more how AVS can provide you EOR service.

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